Episode 7: Contemplating Year 2022

January 01, 2022 Episode 7

The anticipation of a new year often ignites meaningful reflection and critical introspection. This episode briefly shares some general thoughts from a personal perspective with hope about  year 2022 which is already fraught by a lingering global pandemic. I invite you to listen with a mind toward contemplation to consider the possibilities of your personal life in the new year. Enjoy the show!

Host: Dr. Sherece Shavel

Equipment Details
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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Sundays with Chave a social work inspired podcast with creator and host Dr. Charice cha. This is a bimonthly show where each episode aims to inspire with topics relevant to social work practice, growing forward, living on purpose and so much more. Thank you for tuning in, enjoy the show

Speaker 2:

Greeting Sunday listeners. I hope that you are both safe and well on this beautiful day. This is your host, Dr. SHA Chave. And I just want to come to you and just speak from our heart. Today is the very last day of 2021. And over the last couple of days, I have been taking inventory of my life and have been thinking about what will 2022 look like for me? What should I be doing in 2022? What should I not be doing in 2022? And so many things have come to mind and so many goals, as well as hopes have come to mind for 2022. And reflecting on all that has happened in 2021. I want to encourage you about 20, 22. And more importantly, I want to just acknowledge that 2021 was a very challenging year for everyone on so many different levels and so many different ways. I've lost family members and you may have lost family members as well. And you may have lost friends. You may have lost pets. You may have had a series of loss that has impacted your experience of 2021. You may have had some things that were rewarding for you and gratifying, but then you may have also had some moments of suffering and moments of challenge and obstacles that were unanticipated pains and grieves, and all kinds of occurrences that have led your emotions to be on some sort of rollercoaster. But when you weigh it all, I hope that you are able to come to the conclusion that 2021 was not a wash, but you were able to gain something from 2021 that will propel you into 2022 with a vision of hope or a vision that includes hope, joy, endless possibilities, prosperity strength, 2022, that will allow you to grow and to become the you that you envision yourself to be. So with that being said, I just want to acknowledge that 2021 is just a couple of hours away from being over 2022 will will lead us into another year of possibilities. I read something the other day in the, in this thing that I read said, you have the ability to undertake and complete anything you desire. And I thought to self well, you know, I have a lot of desires, a lot of things that I have in mind to do. And one of those things that I had in mind to do was to begin this podcast and to my surprise, I was able to do that. And I'm so excited. And so, so thankful for what 2022 will allow me accomplish with, with this podcast. But I'm also excited about the possibilities of other activities that I have going on in my life. And I see the possibilities in all of those things. And the question that I would ask you is, do you see the possibility? Do you see the possibilities? Do you see the possibilities in your situation? Do you see the possibilities in your circumstances? Do you see the possibilities for your family? Do you see possibilities in the relationships you have with your friends and coworkers, with your employer, with your neighbors that are up and down the street that you live, perhaps they are in the community that you live. Do you see the past possibilities for every area of your life? And if you don't see the possibilities, what will you do in order to envision those possibilities? What are the opportunities that you have to strengthen relationships that, that have been and strained over an extended period of time? What are the possibilities there? What are the possibilities of you doing something new that you've never done before that will allow you to change the trajectory of your life? What are the possibilities? Think about the possibilities that lie in 2022 and think about what you can do in order to turn possibilities into reality. That is the one thing that I found myself reflecting on for an extended period of time over the last couple of days. And while I was reflecting, a couple of other things came to my mind. And one of the things that came to my mind in addition to this idea of having possibility was the fact that, you know, I have this tremendous potential for success. We all have tremendous potential for success. We all have within us a seed of greatness. And in order for that seed of greatness to grow, we have to nurture it. What will you do to nurture that seed of greatness that's within you so that it will grow and be able to express greatness in every area of your life. So what will you do in order to nurture that seed of greatness within you so that you can, as a result, do great things in your personal life and as well do great things in, and for the people with whom you are relationship. And for those that are around you, that you may or may not be in relationship with that seed of greatness is so important for being able to realize, you know, this idea of success, and there are so many different definitions of success. And my definition of success may be different than your definition of success. So the definition of success that I have is for me, is, uh, doing what have been created to do. And when I'm doing that, I am successful. So for me, success does not equate to having a certain type of car or having a certain type of home or having a certain amount of money or knowing certain people even. So you have to decide what that is for you. And when you decide what that is, embracing that, and again, nurturing that seed of greatness within you so that you can be successful. Because again, we all have tremendous potential to be successful, exercise, the potential that you have. Don't let anyone else do it for you, or don't let anyone else influence you, or your influence, your potential that you have, you influence the potential that you have so that you can be the best you, that you can be. The other thing that I think I would like to say, just thinking about coming into this 20, 22, and I've already said this, but I've kind of wanna circle back to it. And that is doing something new, doing something new that you've never done before is quite daring. It, it, it requires courage. It requires a sense of fearlessness. It requires you to think outside the box, it requires you to be humble. In some regard, it requires you to be confident and courageous all of these things all at the same time to do something new and that something new for you may not be something new for someone else, but it may be new for you. Something you've never done before, something new, perhaps that something new means that you look at the problems and challenges that you have in your life and seek to find a new way to address them or a new solution to a problem or challenge that you're having in your life. That might be the something new. That's also something relevant, something meaningful, something life changing. So I think 20, 22 is a good reason. A good reason this new year coming into this new year is a good reason to think outside the box, to try something new, to look at problems and challenges and obstacles that you're facing in your life and new ways and finding new ways to approach them, to solve them, to address them to creatively use yourself in order to, for instance, address conflicts with people in your life. And we all have a person or two or more in our life that we tend to clash with. And so to think about whatever that clash is in a new way, and finding a new way to approach, either interacting with that person or a new way of thinking about who that person is, and even the, the problem or obstacle itself. And all of this is an opportunity. These are opportunities for growth opportunities for change and doing these in, in a way that's creative in a way that you to be courageous and to come outside of your comfort zone, but, but doing it in a healthy way. So finding new, healthy, positive solutions to problems and obstacles that you have in your life can be a great goal for 2022. So I leave you with take the time to take inventory of 2021. Think about what at 2021 was what it meant for you, what it allowed you to do, what it allowed you not to do. What were your opportunities and what were the possibilities? What were your experiences take inventory of 2021? What can you grab? Hold of that's could good. That's rich, that's positive, that's healthy. That's meaningful that you can take with you into 2022 in order to build on that and grow, expand your life in new ways and become the better you that hopefully we are all seeking to do. We are all seeking to become, you know, our best, our best selves, our, you know, operating in our most healthy self. So what can you take from 2021 into 2022 that will be enriching and will help you to have tremendous success that will influence your ability to see possibilities will help you to achieve the goals that you may set that will help you to courageously try new things, new, positive, and healthy things in order to enrich your life. What you don't wanna do is stay stuck in 2021. Now, when you're taking inventory and you're thinking about 2021, you may say that there was a lot of that were not so good or was not so positive about 2021. Don't take that into 2022 with you. Don't get stuck in 2021. Look forward and move forward. You don't want to stay focused on what's what's behind you, which will be 2021 in a couple of hours, hours. Keep moving forward. Take from the past what you can to enrich your tomorrow. Chase after the possibilities, grab hold of the hope that you may have try something new, be bold, be courageous, be confident and embrace 20, 22 as a year for extra ordinary in your life. So long, 2021. Hello, 20, 22

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Listeners. I wish you and your family. Peace, hope, love, joy, prosperity, grace, mercy, happiness, success, and endless possibilities. I wish you and your family all the best and nothing less. Now we are in a time where it's necessary for you to stay safe. So please take all the precautions that you need to, to stay safe and well till next time, Sunday listeners enjoy bringing in 2022.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to Sundays with Chelle subscribe, wherever you listen to podcasts and be sure to tune in next time for another social work inspired episode.